April Reads

Where has time gone? It seems like the last two weeks have passed by me like the blink of an eye… I’ve finished all my university assessments, did my final internship shift managing a big event for an iconic Australian museum (it was awesome!) – where I also met the two time coffee world champion. Cool, aye?

My ego is bursting…Kill it with fire.

So although I’m annoyed at myself for not posting anything here for awhile, I have to realize I’m not perfect and sometimes you don’t have enough time to do everything.

I also won’t be posting a So Not Bookish post this month as I didn’t get around to a lot of things in April. But I will mention briefly that I really enjoyed playing the survival game Sheltered and discovered an Australian youtuber called Sophie Carlon…Who is amazing, has a pet snake and talks about books. I might just have become an internet stalker – following her everywhere on social media. Haha.

So without further ado, let’s talk about the books I read in April.

Warlord by Jennifer Fallon (Wolfblade Trilogy #3)

The final book in the Wolfblade Trilogy, Warlord is a fitting conclusion to a wonderful trilogy about family drama, politics and magic. Although not all plot points were solved, I still felt satisfied and couldn’t bear to part with characters like Marla and Wrayan. It would have been a perfect novel for me, however a certain character felt too evil to my taste (with a lack of nuanced motives and actions). It’s only a nitpick – but had they felt more complex, I would have given this novel a 5/5*

Don’t Worry, It Gets Worse: One Twentysomething’s (Mostly Failed) Attempts at Adulthood by Alida Nugent

I was pretty bored with this audiobook. It seemed like a light read that I might enjoy (as I am in my twenties) – but the humor in the novel felt trite and bland. Insights about life in your twenties were average with nothing really special to add and most of the time I tuned out because in the end I didn’t care. The beginning was fun, but in the end the anecdotes were not enough sustain that interest. Meh.

Medalon by Jennifer Fallon (Demon Child Trilogy #1)

As you can tell I’m on a Jennifer Fallon binge. This time I decided to do a re read, reading the sequels to the Wolfblade trilogy. And the book was just as I remembered, not as perfect as the first time that  read it, but still fun and having that background information from the Wolfblade trilogy really helped.I loved being on the journey with R’Shiel, Tarja and Brak again and I look forward to finishing the trilogy so I can read the first book in the sequel-sequel trilogy: The Lyre Thief.

Goblin Market by Christina Rossetti

I don’t read a lot of poetry – I prefer short stories, or even better – novels. But learning that one of my favorite authors, Kate Forsyth, was writing a fairytale inspired story about the Pre-Raphaelites – I needed to do my research! Christina Rossetti was apart of this famous literary movement and I was intrigued to learn more about her and the work she had produced. I adored the poem ‘Goblin Market’ – a beautiful, lyrical piece about women, sexual desire and the consequences. All of the poems were lovely, but honestly Goblin Market is the one that stands out and that is probably why it is the title of the novel.

The Trouble with Women by Jacky Fleming

If you are looking for a satirical graphic novel about the roles of women in society – The Trouble with Women is a wonderful novel to binge over a lazy afternoon. It mainly focuses on the Victorian ideals: women couldn’t do anything because their brains were tiny, plays up the concept that men (and only men) were ‘geniuses.’ I loved how the novel poked its tongue at all the crazy assumptions people had of women, and its dig at famous men like Charles Darwin.

Parable of the Sower by Octavia E. Butler (Earthseed #1)

This is easily my favorite novel so far this year. Parable of the Sower tells of a dystopian world, where political and social unrest is rampant after the 2016 US elections (uncanny, eh?). It follows the story of a young woman who has the power to feel what others are feeling (pain, pleasure) who lives in a gated community, ‘protected’ from the rapists, arsonists and thieves of the outside world. She feels quite cynical and eventually develops her own religious beliefs of the world. I won’t spoil anything more, but this was a wonderful, introspective novel full of complex characters and thrilling tension. I highly, highly recommend this and I might just do a full review.

Favorite book of the month: Parable of the Sower by Octavia E Butler

Stay up to date with what I’m reading and my ratings by following me on Goodreads.